Thursday, January 12, 2012

Week 2

Because of special circumstances of working in the Chula Vista school district, this is technically my first week. Despite the scheduling issues, my first week on the job was nonetheless a valued experience.

My roll at my internship, at present, is something of a teacher's assistant for Kate Keith, one of the first grade teachers at Allen Elementary School. I work with her in class, aid in preparing lessons, work one-on-one with children who are struggling or simply need a little practice, and help to keep the class in order. I hope that in the next several weeks, my roll will evolve to be more of a second teacher in the classroom. I've talked to Mrs. Keith about preparing my own lessons and classwork for the students in the coming weeks.

I see myself growing and changing as a student from my experience on the other end of the educational system. I realize how much work, dedication, focus, and insanity it takes for one person to successfully and responsibly run a classroom full of students. I see the importance of education beyond the typical day-to-day classwork.

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